424 - Wednesday Triples

Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
3 Willys Keith Carter 719-217-7674 Willies Neighborhood 719-389-0607
Broken Arrow Bob Mason 719-351-6352 Robin Hood
DeploraBulls Char Wilson 720-299-6825 Rilea's Pub 719-598-6622
Dysfunctional Chaos Patrick Whitaker 719-331-8479 Willies Neighborhood 719-389-0607
F O B Morgan Weaver 719-246-4523 Rilea's Pub 719-598-6622
Is It In Mandy Martin 719-243-5705 Willies Neighborhood 719-389-0607
Playin With R Shafts Chris DeKow 719-388-3379 Willies Neighborhood 719-389-0607
Suck The Bulls Marc McClure 719-244-5062 Willies Neighborhood 719-389-0607



Schedule for 424 - Wednesday Triples

Completed matches are hidden.

Division A
Week| Date | Home Team            | Visitor Team         | Location             | Note
  1 | 5/01/2024                   |                                             |
             Is It In             | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Willies Neighborhood | 
             3 Willys             | F O B                | Willies Neighborhood | 
             DeploraBulls         | Playin With R Shafts | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Broken Arrow         | Suck The Bulls       | Robin Hood           | 

  2 | 5/08/2024                   |                                             |
             Broken Arrow         | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Robin Hood           | 
             Suck The Bulls       | DeploraBulls         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Playin With R Shafts | 3 Willys             | Willies Neighborhood | 
             F O B                | Is It In             | Rilea's Pub          | 

  3 | 5/15/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | F O B                | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Is It In             | Playin With R Shafts | Willies Neighborhood | 
             3 Willys             | Suck The Bulls       | Willies Neighborhood | 
             DeploraBulls         | Broken Arrow         | Rilea's Pub          | 

  4 | 5/22/2024                   |                                             |
             DeploraBulls         | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Broken Arrow         | 3 Willys             | Robin Hood           | 
             Suck The Bulls       | Is It In             | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Playin With R Shafts | F O B                | Willies Neighborhood | 

  5 | 5/29/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | Playin With R Shafts | Willies Neighborhood | 
             F O B                | Suck The Bulls       | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Is It In             | Broken Arrow         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             3 Willys             | DeploraBulls         | Willies Neighborhood | 

  6 | 6/05/2024                   |                                             |
             3 Willys             | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Willies Neighborhood | 
             DeploraBulls         | Is It In             | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Broken Arrow         | F O B                | Robin Hood           | 
             Suck The Bulls       | Playin With R Shafts | Willies Neighborhood | 

  7 | 6/12/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | Suck The Bulls       | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Playin With R Shafts | Broken Arrow         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             F O B                | DeploraBulls         | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Is It In             | 3 Willys             | Willies Neighborhood | 

  8 | 6/19/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | Is It In             | Willies Neighborhood | 
             F O B                | 3 Willys             | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Playin With R Shafts | DeploraBulls         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Suck The Bulls       | Broken Arrow         | Willies Neighborhood | 

  9 | 6/26/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | Broken Arrow         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             DeploraBulls         | Suck The Bulls       | Rilea's Pub          | 
             3 Willys             | Playin With R Shafts | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Is It In             | F O B                | Willies Neighborhood | 

 10 | 7/03/2024                   |                                             |
             F O B                | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Playin With R Shafts | Is It In             | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Suck The Bulls       | 3 Willys             | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Broken Arrow         | DeploraBulls         | Robin Hood           | 

 11 | 7/10/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | DeploraBulls         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             3 Willys             | Broken Arrow         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Is It In             | Suck The Bulls       | Willies Neighborhood | 
             F O B                | Playin With R Shafts | Rilea's Pub          | 

 12 | 7/17/2024                   |                                             |
             Playin With R Shafts | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Suck The Bulls       | F O B                | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Broken Arrow         | Is It In             | Robin Hood           | 
             DeploraBulls         | 3 Willys             | Rilea's Pub          | 

 13 | 7/24/2024                   |                                             |
             Dysfunctional Chaos  | 3 Willys             | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Is It In             | DeploraBulls         | Willies Neighborhood | 
             F O B                | Broken Arrow         | Rilea's Pub          | 
             Playin With R Shafts | Suck The Bulls       | Willies Neighborhood | 

 14 | 7/31/2024                   |                                             |
             Suck The Bulls       | Dysfunctional Chaos  | Willies Neighborhood | 
             Broken Arrow         | Playin With R Shafts | Robin Hood           | 
             DeploraBulls         | F O B                | Rilea's Pub          | 
             3 Willys             | Is It In             | Willies Neighborhood | 